Creation: Myths and Legends

We are super excited to host ceramic artist Lee Ann Norgard and photographer Michael Levy in our gallery for their 2 week show Creation: Myths & Legends. You are invited to the opening reception Friday September 9, 5pm-7pm. The show runs untilSeptember 22, 2016.


For artists LeeAnn Norgard and Michael Levy, the natural environment, particularly in its smaller manifestations, is an endless source of inspiration. The textures, intricate patterns and unique forms found in treasures like dried husks, sea shells, leaves, stones, feathers, tiny nests, even skulls are interwoven with subtle mastery into LeeAnn’s fine ceramic pieces and Michael’s enigmatic photographic prints for their upcoming exhibition: CREATION: myths and legends, exploring ten creation myths from around the world.

From the Ainu in the Japanese Archipelago to the Dahomey tribe of West Africa, to the Haida here off the West Coast of Canada, the same question has arisen: how did it all begin? CREATION: myths and legends is a visual, tactile reinterpretation of these stories in which different cultures have tried to address this question.

By sculpting these myths, shaping and carving the clay to create very enticing forms, LeeAnn invites the viewer to experience these legends in a new, very profound way, expressing her own deep rootedness to the natural world. Adding yet another dimension to this retelling of ancient myths is Michael’s subtle layering of images drawn from his day-to-day life, spent largely out-of-doors.

The seamless collaboration of these two accomplished artists is a wonderful celebration of the interrelationships that can be found in Nature, as well as the interconnectedness found among different cultures throughout the world.