Motion: Art That Moves

Motion: Art That Moves

Group show

June 8 to 20.

Reception: Friday June 8, 5 to 8pm.
More than 20 Salt Spring artists participating,

A show not to be missed.

Motion is the action or process of moving or being moved, a gesture, gesticulation, sign, signal, action, activity….

To Move is to affect, touch, impress, shake, upset, disturb, make an impression on, stir up, inspire, prompt, stimulate, motivate, provoke, influence, rouse, induce, incite, spin, circle around, fall, fly, crawl, tunnel, dive….


Gallery Artists:

Allison Brodie- painting & metal collage

Carol Newmeyer- jewelry

Cinda Helm- painting

Ilse Leader- textile

Kuno Egger- ceramics

Lisa Lipsett- painting

Paul Robert Bryans- painting

Rolando Lampitoc- painting

Rachel Vadeboncoeur- glass

Sheila Hoen- painting

Susan Haigh- painting


Invited Artists:

Amy Melious- photography

Annie Knoop- painting

Carol James- painting

Celia Meade- painting

Gillian McConnell- installation

Ingrid Korner- painting

Janet Rayner- painting

John Holmes- metalwork

Katie Watts- photography

Melanie Morris- painting

Robert Steinbach- painting

Rosalie Matchett- encaustic painting

Sam Barlow- collage

Sam Holmes- metalwork

Simon Morris- sculpture

Susan Gordon- painting