Tree Stories- Oil Paintings by Cheryl Long

August 13-Sept 1, 2021

Opening Reception Friday Aug 13, 2021, 5-7

Tree Stories

Oil Paintings by Cheryl Long
August 13-September 1

This last year in painting has been all about trees-in all their different phases-stumps,
driftwood and those still standing tall in the forest.

I found Port Renfrews’ beach of epic driftwood to be full of stories waiting to be told. On my first visit, camping on the beach, a misty, full-moon night allowed me to get to know the giant, mysterious forms that congregated together, like actors on a stage. I was intrigued by the tales these pieces of driftwood could tell...centuries lived as saplings and trees, so still and peaceful before finally collapsing into the stormy Pacific where wild weather carried them out to sea, and finally back to land. I imagine that, like very old people, their characters become more pronounced with age, and their stories become clearer to those who care to see.

This show also features some beautiful old cedars from Bromley rock near Princeton and Ruckle Park on Salt Spring Island. These powerful characters inspired me to explore their subtleties of shape and colour, and how they support and nurture the life around them.

Last but not least, I turned my attention to stumps. Simultaneously surrendering to the earth, yet still reaching upwards towards the heavens, the majesty of stumps reminded me of my own human condition. I may be grounded, but my spirit still yearns for transcendance.

My goal as an artist is to express the Power and Grace I perceive in the landscape. Even though nature is both complex and subtle, my hope is to weave seemingly chaotic movements of colour and form into one unified expression.