Lift- New Paintings by Lisa Lipsett


New Paintings by Lisa Lipsett

Sept 24-Oct 13, 2021

Opening Reception 

Saturday Sept 25, 5-7 pm.

LIFT builds on Lisa Lipsett’s current fascination with flight, in particular the free flow movement of moths and butterflies. Flight is wild, spontaneous, playful, full of exuberance, luxurious, a potent antidote to feeling pinned down. It lifts the spirit. Textured wings dusted with warm pink, vibrant tangerine, Salish blue, electric purples and cream rise up in bursts and flourishes in her images.

Lisa Lipsett’s painting style is expressive and nature based. Fascinated by the within of things, she paints the energetic signature of life. Excavated layers of unconventionally mixed and matched materials such as oil, dry pigment, watercolour, gold leaf, graphite and cold wax maximizes creative possibilities. Themes include contemplation, harmony, beauty and belonging. Lipsett is president of the Salt Spring Gallery, an educator with a focus on art and nature, and an avid sailor who loves that extra lift, the boost attained when your nose is pointed up into the wind.