It’s About Time- Fine Art & Photography by Julianna Slomka

“It’s About Time”

In deciding to have a show of my work, a comment I heard from friends was “It’s about time.” I thought it would be fitting as a title. The inspiration for the show comes from my lifetime of changes, whether it be in me or in the world, they are kind of one in the same. As Bob Dylon said, “Times They Are A Changin’ "

“Life is full of constant adjustments, with some laughs in between. Change is inevitable, so we must adjust, but we can also strive to make positive changes.” ~Julianna Slomka

As a child I had difficulty learning in school, my pencils only wanted to draw horses. After dropping out at 16, moving out on my own at 17, I put my pencils away. Buying a farm and having real horses was a dream I made come true. Eventually I began to feel creative again, mostly working in watercolor and pencil, exhibiting my work in group shows. A farm accident made me have to adjust to constant pain and changes in my life.

I also dreamt of moving to BC to be near the ocean, mountains and forests. In 2005 I did just that. I didn’t know anyone but looked forward to starting a new life without the bitter cold of Northwestern Ontario winters. Since then, I dove into many other artforms such as Argentine tango, stand-up comedy, performing in live theatre and photography.

I am also a member of Photosynthesis whose show is at Art Spring during SSIPhotofest which runs June 3-17, 2022.