Impression 8

Impression 8
October 20 - November 8

The Salt Spring Island Printmakers Society's 8th annual show features new works by 15 SSIPS members. A variety of techniques have been used including dry point, gelli plate, wood reduction, collagraphs and lino cut. Members have also created colourful lanterns using twig frames and printed shades, and a series of mini-prints (4" x 4"). 

SSIPS started over ten years ago as a group within the SSI Painters Guild. Two years ago it became a separate society, and last year it moved into a studio space at SIMS which is now fully equipped with 4 presses plus tools and materials for most non-toxic printmaking techniques.  Workshops, school class sessions, activity days, and mentored studio time are offered to its 45 members and the public. 

For more information please check the website ( or contact Nora Layard (