Both Sides Now

Both Sides Now
Julia Lucich
June 14 - July 3
Opening Reception: June 14, 5-7


Julia Lucich, artist:
"My approach to art, as with life, is varied.  I was drawn to painting in response to a love of portraiture. With time, my focus expanded to other subjects including wildlife, all of which remained very representational. While working on a painting of giraffes, though, I played with an unconventional colour palette, resulting in a painting I titled Party Animals. The response to this painting was unexpected:  it was selected by USArt magazine as “Editor's Choice” for wildlife, which prompted the start of a series.

As with many artists, it's easy to become pigeon-holed in relation to a particular style or body of work. For me, that's been true with Party Animals. While my art is most often associated with that series, I paint anything and everything that catches my eye or evokes an emotional response. In a sense, there are two “sides” to my art work:  those that fall under the rubric of Party Animals ... and all the rest."