But I Love You

But I Love You
Patrick McCallum
July 5  - July 24
Opening Reception: Thursday July 4, 5-7pm

“But I Love You” is a hybrid exhibition focussing on themes of love, longing and lament. It features new large scale “captured moment” charcoal drawings of Patrick's “Back Letter Day” series alongside his current series of brightly coloured hand-printed serigraphs. All works feature the indeterminate narratives and elements of Surrealism often associated with McCallum’s work, in addition to morsels of dark humour.

Born in Penticton BC, but living most of his life on the West Coast, Patrick McCallum has spent the majority of his career in the creative sector. Essentially self-taught, McCallum has worked in a wide range of roles including: commercial illustrator, art director, graphic designer, copywriter, comic book creator, storyboard artist, and art instructor until committing to Fine Art full time in 2015.

Since entering juried shows in 2015 he has won The Award of Excellence at the Sooke Fine Art Show 2015; The Juror’s Prize at the Sidney Fine Art Show in 2016; The Juror’s Prize at the Sooke Fine Art Show in 2018, and "Best in Show" at the 2020 Au Natural International Exhibition of Figurative Art in Astoria, OR.  His first solo show was mounted in July of 2018 at ArtSpring on Salt Spring Island BC. Since 2015 he has been featured in 18 group exhibitions, including the notorious (Re) Location Group Show of 2024 where his installed road signs created an island-wide controversy.