Recent Work by Cheryl Long

Recent Work by Cheryl Long
July 26  - August 14
Opening Reception: Friday July 26, 5-7pm

Cheryl Long:
"Through the alchemy of mystical BC landscape, subconscious dreamscape, and written word, this body of work aims to take us on a journey from the darkness of the inner world to the rising of spirit.

Much of this recent work uses the imagery of whales and icebergs. These two forms have become dear to my heart for different reasons. The whale, because I had visited an aquarium years ago and stopped in front of a large round window to look into the pool of sea life swimming by. A large whale stopped directly in front of me, and we gazed into each others eyes ... I felt like I was looking into the depths of eternity and felt inspired by a love and wisdom that has remained in my heart. 

The Iceberg I consider to be a metaphor for grace. I think of them tumbling off an ancient glacier and their huge weight being cradled and carried by the sea to distant lands. Their journey inspires me to try and surrender to the currents of life without so much struggle and resistance. I also find icebergs to be amazing sculptural forms, and strive to express the power and simplicity of their shapes."