Three Seconds: Recent Contemporary Fiber Work by Shannon Wardroper

Three Seconds, recent contemporary fiber work
Shannon Wardroper
August 16 - Sept 4

Shannon Wardroper:
"The earth has been in existence for 3.5 billion years. 3 Seconds represents human habitation if compared to a 24 hour day cradled within our mere 300,000 years of existence. In this short time we have left an indelible mark on a verdant, layered and fascinating natural world, our home. I recall as a child swimming endlessly underwater and watching the current carry a swaying smorgasbord of imagery past my field of vision. This complexity is what inspires my textile work and keeps the eye travelling through layers of screenprinting, wax resist dying, hand and digital embroidery, appliqué and piecework. 

Currently, the Attention Economy has ensured that our attention shifts away from the gift nature offers towards all things artificial, online, and virtual. 

We are endlessly elsewhere. 

3 Seconds thus also represents the average attention span when scrolling, clicking and tapping on social media, online news and video.